Our Company

Year 1990: Hoang Gia Transport Cooperative was established in 1990 with a fleet of 200 DWT transporting Coal to China and transporting Salt from Nam Dinh to the Northern mountains.

Year 2000: when the country’s economy opened, the Company developed and built more ships of 1,000 DWT and changed its name to Hoang Gia Private Enterprise.

Year 2007: Changed the name to Hoang Phong Shipping Company, built more two new vessels of 3,000 DWT with domestic and South China voyages.

Year 2011: built two more 5,000 DWT vessels,Victoria 68 and Century Star 02.

Year 2021: Established THANH NAM International Transport Trading JSC with the purpose of future orientation. The name “Thanh Nam” is Nam Dinh – the hometown of the Founding team of the company.